About Us
We are a dynamic professional company with over 30+ years of construction experience. We can take any project from a design concept to turn key.
We focus on the details of your project regardless of size or use. We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of service at affordable rates. In addition to knowledge and experience, we understand that providing clear and concise communication is essential to the success of our clients' projects and goals.
VWS, LLC applies a strong hands-on approach and provides processes and procedures that will make each project a success.
Specific measures we have instituted to provide superior service include:
Maintain a single point of contact and cohesive support team for each project at all times.
Institute a policy of returning phone calls and emails the day they were received.
Implement monitoring systems for all aspects of the project life-cycle to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Time is money.
Track essential permits and insurances expirations; provide ample notifications prior to expirations to our clients.